HASA Newsletter Submission Deadlines and Publication Dates 2024-2025
Welcome Breakfast 9/13 9:00AM- 10:30AM
HASA Meeting- 9/18 - September Newsletter
HASA Meeting- 10/9 - October Newsletter
HASA Meeting- 11/6 - November Newsletter
Holiday Raffle 12/5 - December Newsletter
HASA Meeting- 1/8 - January Newsletter
HASA Meeting- 2/5
Submission solicitation email Date: February 3/ Submission February 10 Publication Date: February 24
HASA Meeting- 3/12
Submission solicitation email Date: March 3/ Submission March 10 Publication Date: March 24
HASA Meeting- 4/9
Submission solicitation email Date: April 1/ Submission April 8 Publication Date: April 28
HASA Meeting- 5/7
Submission solicitation email Date: May 5/ Submission May 12 Publication Date: May 28
HASA Last Meeting of the Year- 6/4
Our keywords for submissions to the HASA Newsletter are unique, simple, and brief--U-S-B. Unique- We would like our Newsletter to have original, value added information. We would like to assist NHRHS-sanctioned parent, teacher, and student organizations to publicize events and information. The best way for us to do that is to publish a link directing readers to your materials published elsewhere. The NHRHS website has a section for parent groups, for example. Please post your documents there, and you can provide us with a link to publish in the HASA Newsletter. Simple- we are transitioning to a more streamlined Newsletter format. We would like all of the submissions to reflect this simplicity and ease of use. Brief-We hope to substantially shorten the newsletter by making use of links directing the readers to pre-existing documents wherever possible Submissions should be sent to Geraldine Lametrie - gatcmt@yahoo.com. Your submissions should have: articles in Word format no google doc links used working links to email or website--make sure your links work properly. pictures submitted separately in .jpg format, no duplication of material that exists on another website; just links to its use of conventional grammar and formatting. Finally, we reserve the right to abridge, re-format, modify, or decline submissions due to space or editorial concerns.