Option II Physical Education
Northern Highlands Regional High School
Career & Academic Pathways - Option II Physical Education
Students in grades 9-12 may participate in this program. Applications are due 4/1 for fall and spring semesters for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and 10/15 for fall and spring semesters for freshmen.
Option II Physical Education (PE) students have the opportunity to receive graduation credit through an alternative activity that meets or exceeds the District's PE requirement. A student must be involved in an individualized (not a NH team) rigorous training program that prepares the student for competition in a sport on an elite or national level and must include intensive personal training sessions of at least 150 minutes per week with a certified professional. To enroll in Option II PE, a student must submit a Option II PE course request application to the Career & Academic Pathways Supervisor for approval (see link below).
Additionally, please carefully read through our guidelines in our Wellness Physical Education Packet. Students also must submit a Statement of Purpose and an Instructor/Coach Document (last two pages of the packet). Option II PE students are required to complete a monthly log of activities aligned to NJ Student Learning Standards and meet with the Career & Academic Pathways Supervisor on a regular basis.
Any costs incurred as a result of the program will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The student must submit a weekly competition/practice schedule, daily log of activities, and verification of hours from a coach to the Career & Academic Pathways Supervisor. Random site visits may also take place. The Option II PE program will be graded as Pass/Fail and will not be included in the GPA. Students must sit for the Health portion of the PE course but will be assigned a study hall for the rest of the school year.
Prerequisite: Prior administrative approval by the Career & Academic Pathways Supervisor, Department Supervisor, Director of School Counseling, and Principal must be obtained before enrolling in the Option II Physical Education program.