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Career & Academic Pathways

Welcome to the

Career & Academic Pathways

Resource Center!

Ms. Kimberly Hayes

Career & Academic Pathways Supervisor

(O): 201-327-8700 x544 

(M): 201-364-1038

(F): 201-327-2161

To Book an Appointment with Ms. Hayes, please use her online calendar: Ms. Hayes' Online Calendar

Mr. Thomas Walsh

Career & Academic Pathways Work-based Learning Transition Liaison

(O): 201-327-8700 x580 

(F): 201-327-2161

To Book an Appointment with Mr. Walsh, please use his online calendar: Mr. Walsh's Online Calendar

Mrs. Tara Weiss

Career & Academic Pathways Assistant

(O): 201-327-8700 x540 

(F): 201-327-2161

To Book an Appointment with Mrs. Weiss, please use her online calendar: Mrs. Weiss' Online Calendar  

The Career & Academic Pathways program provides real-world experiences that are meaningful and relevant. It allows students to obtain both college and high school credit for learning experiences outside of the traditional classroom environment.

"The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what one's destiny is to do,

and then do it."

-Henry Ford