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Teacher Evaluations

Northern Highlands Regional High School utilizes educator performance evaluation instruments in conjunction with Achieve NJ and the Teach NJ Act (2012).  Achieve NJ requires that all educators and administrators are observed, supervised, and evaluated according to a state-approved criterion.  Performance evaluations are based on a supervisory evaluation instrument and Student Growth Objectives (SGOs).  Combining the two scores with a weighted system, educators receive one of four performance ratings: “Highly Effective” (4), “Effective” (3), “Partially Effective” (2), or “Ineffective” (1). (see NJDOE web page:  

Following a rigorous and collaborative review, Northern Highlands Regional High School adopted the Kim Marshall Evaluation model.  The school district has used this model, with some minor adjustments, since 2013.  Marshall’s system for evaluation is based on frequent and informal visits to classrooms to observe teaching and learning.  The mini-observation is intended to maintain ongoing dialogue between the supervisor and educator to promote reflection, refinement, and growth.  Marshall’s system includes a summary evaluation instrument for teachers, certified non-teaching staff, supervisors, and administrators.  For teachers, the primary domains of performance include:

  1. Planning and Preparation for Learning
  2. Classroom Management
  3. Delivery of Instruction
  4. Monitoring, Assessment, and Follow-Up
  5. Family and Community Outreach
  6. Professional Responsibilities

Northern Highlands Regional High School collaborates with the Quad-Districts implementing the Marshall Evaluation system for educators.  This collaboration includes ongoing professional development for educators and administrators, as well as minor revisions to the model in accordance with provisions in Achieve NJ.  More information about the Marshall Evaluation model can be found at the below resources. 

Teacher Evaluation Rubrics (2011):,%2011.pdf

Marshall, K. (2013). Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation (2nd edition). NY: Jossey-Boss.  

* For the 2016-2017 school year, 126 certified staff members were evaluated. As a result of our district's formal evaluation process, ninety nine percent met our criteria for highgly effective and effective.  One percent have yet to meet our expectations and were scored as partially effective.  No teachers were scored as innefective. 

* For the 2016-2017 school year, 12 staff were evaluated under the administrative evaluation.  One hundred percent of these individuals met our criteria for highly effective or effective.


Last Modified on January 22, 2018