HIB & Affirmative Action Page
Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB)
As per the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) (P.L.2010, c.122), the Northern Highlands Regional High School District has posted its Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act grade, which applies to both the district and the school. To access the grade, click here. Please feel free to contact Dr. Tony LaRocca, Anti-Bullying Coordinator, if you have any questions.
Anti-Bullying Coordinator: Dr. Tony LaRocca, 201-327-8700 x501, laroccato@northernhighlands.org
Anti-Bullying Specialist: Ms. Sue Spencer, 201-327-8700 x568, spencers@northernhighlands.org
HIB Reporting:
HIB Incident Form for Families HIB 338 Forms Click Here
HIB 338 Form: Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying - Anonymous Digital Reporting Click Here
Confidential Hotline for anonymous reporting: 201-327-8700 x333
For the New Jersey Department of Education "Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act" Click Here
For the "New Jersey School Climate Strategy Resource Guide" Click Here
Contact information for the School Climate State Coordinator (HIB@doe.nj.gov)
Policies: The following policies are required by the Department of Education to be disseminated annually:
2260- Affirmative Action Program For School and Classroom Practices
2361- Acceptable Use of District Computer Network
5331- Management of Life Threatening Allergies
5512- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
5600- Pupil Discipline Code of Conduct
Or you may search for the most up to date district policy using any keyword at NH Policy Archive
Please email Dr. Tony LaRocca or Sue Spencer if you are experiencing an HIB issue.
laroccato@northenrhighlands.org or spencers@northernhighlands.org