Frequently Asked Questions
When are Board Meetings?
Please check the ‘Meeting Dates’ on this website.
Where do Board meetings take place?
Board meetings are held in the Library at Northern Highlands.
What usually happens at Board meetings?
Notice of Board meetings along with a detailed agenda is available and published on this website at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Meetings typically begin with a flag salute and public meetings statement, usually followed by a special presentation. Then, after an update from the Principal and the Superintendent, the Board discusses the business noted on the agenda. The BOE may take official action on school business, policies, or personnel. Board members may discuss items prior to voting on official agenda items.
The public is invited to all monthly Board meetings. At every meeting there is an opportunity for public comment on both agenda and non-agenda items. The public may speak to agenda items prior to Board action on the agenda. The public may address other issues at the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting. The purpose of public participation is for the Board to hear directly from its stakeholders: parents, students, residents, and staff. The Board listens to the comments and follows up as appropriate.
What is the protocol for the public to speak at a Board meeting?
Persons wishing to speak must be recognized by the President. They then must stand and state their name and address. Each person addressing the Board is limited to five minutes.
What typically occurs in a closed or executive session?
An executive session is held to discuss personnel matters, student actions regarding out of district placements, or pending legal matters. The laws of New Jersey outline a very short list of issues that may be discussed in closed session due to privacy concerns. The bulk of issues that come before the Board are discussed in public sessions and all official actions of the Board are conducted in public sessions.
Who should I contact if I have a question or concern about something in the district?
We encourage community members with questions or concerns about the school to first contact the teacher or staff member involved in the situation. If the issue is not resolved, the next step is to contact the appropriate Supervisor. If the issue is still not resolved, the school Principal should be contacted next. Unresolved matters will be brought to the Superintendent. Should the Superintendent not be able to resolve the problem, the Board is the final step in the process.
Last Modified on June 20, 2020